The Birley Academy Celebrates Partnership with The Sheffield Sixth Form

We’ve now launched a new partnership with The Sheffield Sixth Form, securing a guaranteed sixth form place for all of their students.

We are thrilled to announce that our school has formed a new partnership with The Sheffield Sixth Form, securing a guaranteed sixth form place for all of our students.

As you may already be aware, The Sheffield Sixth Form is a recently established further education hub within The Sheffield College. They pride themselves on delivering an extensive range of A Level courses along with state-of-the-art facilities, including interactive classrooms kitted out with the latest technology, a learning resource centre and sports facilities, as well as a restaurant and hair & beauty salon.

While all students at The Birley Academy will have access to a place at The Sheffield Sixth Form, acceptance onto individual A Level courses will require students to meet minimum entry requirements.

Commenting on the partnership, Principal Gina Newton said: “At Birley, we know that choosing or finding a sixth form to begin further education studies can be a daunting and stressful time. 

That is why we’re delighted to be able to partner with The Sheffield Sixth Form – a newly established part of The Sheffield College – to ensure that all of our students have a guaranteed place should they wish to take that first step toward higher education.

By providing a guaranteed place at such an amazing college, we hope that our students will feel more prepared and empowered to take on the next stage of their education.”