The Birley Promise

We promise you will have the chance to go on:
  • Visits abroad
  • Outdoor pursuits
  • Residential visits
  • Field work
  • Visit to London
  • Theatre visits
  • Cinema visits
  • Museum visits
We promise you can get involved in:
  • Student council
  • Student ambassadors
  • Youth Parliament
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
  • Charity fund raising
  • Sports Leaders’ Award Scheme
We promise you can do:
  • Productions
  • Performances
  • Lunch time and after school clubs
  • Tuition in a musical instrument
  • Extra-curricular
We promise you can access:
  • Independent careers’ advice
  • Links with universities
  • Extended transition to support the move from Y6 to Y7
  • The chance to celebrate success
  • Revision classes
  • Evening classes
  • College taster days
  • Work experience
  • High Quality and aspirational education inside and outside the classroom