Exam Results

The headline performance data for the Birley Academy can be seen in the table below: 

Performance Measure 2021/22 (revised) 2022/23 (actual) 
Number of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 208 205 
Number of pupils included in progress measures 205 205 
Progress 8 score -0.55 -0.31 
Attainment 8 score 40.79 37.50 
Percentage of pupils who achieved a Grade 5 (strong pass) or above in both English and mathematics at Key Stage 4 40% 33% 
Percentage of pupils who achieved a Grade 4 (standard Pass) or above in both English and mathematics at key Stage 4 58% 53% 
Percentage of pupils entered for the English Baccalaureate 17% 7% 
Average point score for English Baccalaureate 3.39 3.17