Academy Governing Body

The Birley Academy is part of L.E.A.D. Academy Trust, a company limited by guarantee.

The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust and board of trustees are the proprietors of the trust and help set the overarching vision and strategy for all the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust academies.

Each academy within the trust is governed by the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust board and members.

To help discharge these duties successfully, the Trust Board has delegated some of these responsibilities for governance to executive leaders and local academy governing bodies (AGBs) (see scheme of delegation for more information).

Our governance structure ensures that there are clear lines of accountability, overview, and scrutiny at three levels for each of the academies: These are:

  • The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust members
  • L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Board and its associated committees
  • The Academy Governing Bodies (AGBs)

Trustees’ and governors’ main responsibilities are the three core governance functions of:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction.
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

Our Governance

The Local Academy Governing Bodies (AGBs)

The Birley Academy has a committed team of governors who are actively involved in academy life. They successfully represent the local community and bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise from a variety of professional backgrounds. Governors include parent and staff representatives.

In accordance with the scheme of delegation, the AGB has delegated oversight for a range of key areas that include, the quality of education and standards, safeguarding, special educational needs and/or disabilities and vulnerable pupils.

In short, AGB’s are an integral part of the trust’s governance structure. They are the eyes and ears on the ground at academy level. The AGB supports the trust board by adhering to their core governance functions and by holding the academy to account for performance and development. In addition, they support academy leaders by acting as their ‘critical friend’.

The AGB meets formally three times a year (termly). They also meet informally each term through engagement meetings.

The Trust’s scheme of delegation, AGB terms of reference and articles of association can be accessed by clicking on the link(s) below. These key documents set out in more detail the function and role of the AGB.

Welcome to the website of The Birley Academy from the Chair of the AGB

It is a great privilege to serve as the chair of the local academy governing body at The Birley Academy. Our local academy governing body is committed to being actively involved in the life of the academy. This is so that we can best serve our staff, pupils, parents, and the local community. We are determined that every pupil receives a high-quality education which will in turn lead to future academic success.

Our academy’s core principles of ‘lead, empower, achieve, drive’ will help our pupils develop the attributes they need for their future while emphasising the importance of being caring and compassionate towards others.

To ensure that the academy’s vision is realised and that our pupils’ best interests are factored into every decision we make, the local academy governing body supports the Trust by acting as a “critical friend,” holding the academy to account for pupil outcomes as well as the quality of educational provision provided. We will also help to define the strategic direction of the academy to ensure that resources are optimised and that all pupils are fulfilling their potential.

The Birley Academy faces a wide variety of exciting challenges. Nevertheless, I have no doubt that the combined experience, skills and knowledge of our local academy governing body, leadership team and staff we will ensure that we offer the very best to all members of our academy community.

Chair of Governors: David Petley

Email: [email protected]

Governor Biographies

David Petley – Community Governor

I am a Professor of Geography and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hull. In a career of over 30 years in higher education, I have held academic roles at the universities of Sunderland, Portsmouth and Durham, and board level leadership roles at the University of East Anglia, the University of Sheffield, and now at the University of Hull. I am an academic expert in landslides, particularly in the mountains of South Asia, China, Taiwan and New Zealand. I am passionate about both environmental sustainability and social justice, especially equality of opportunity for all pupils.

Andrew Hulme – Teaching Staff Governor

I currently work as an Assistant Curriculum Leader in the English Department at The Birley Academy. I have recently been appointed to the Staff Governor role and look forward to supporting our academy in our ambition to increase the pace in improving the school’s standing for pupils, staff and the community. I am a highly committed colleague with a keen determination to contribute to the success of the academy.

Wesley Devoe – Support Staff Governor

I am currently employed at The Birley Academy as one of the school’s Reading Specialists and have been recently appointed to serve as the Support Staff Governor. Working in education allows me to see the growth and success of our students, and as governor I hope to only drive the academy to greater heights and oversee the continuing development of our school, pupils, and community. I am a driven member of the staff team who is enthusiastic and dedicated to the academy’s success. As a former student of Birley, I am privileged to be in the position now where I can give back to the school that supported and enabled my ambitions from a young age, and can support our students to achieve in the same way.

Ruth Wood – Parent Governor

Education and access to learning and resources are vital for our children. I am a parent governor because I want to be involved in shaping the future of the academy and for all who attend. I want to be a voice to raise parental issues. We are all experiencing challenging times, but this is a good opportunity to be part of something that will make a difference to the student body, academy and community.

Katie Wild – Parent Governor

My goal as a parent governor is to help shape the future for the Birley Academy, by raising ideas supporting the school and parents of the students who attend. I think it’s very important everyone works together to create the learning environment that everyone can access and understand.

Dawn McAughey – Community Governor

I have been a Primary School teacher for over 25 years working with children from the ages of 3-11. I am proud to be the Headteacher at Birley Primary Academy and have worked at the school for 15 years. It is wonderful to be part of this community and to work closely with The Birley Academy forging links for children and families within our learning community.

I know from my own background how important education is. I grew up in a small village in Derbyshire and went to The University of Derby – the first person in my family to do so.

Working in education allows me the amazing opportunity to create that special spark for learning from the moment children begin their learning journey with us in Nursery. This can set our young people on their course for life. I see this as the most wonderful privilege

Uzoamaka Metu – Community Governor

I have been working in the teaching field for about two decades. During this time, I have worked as a Business Studies teacher contractually at various secondary schools in South Yorkshire and as an associate lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University. I have held some positions at the University of Sheffield International College, including interim head of business. I am currently serving as the Curriculum Leader for Business Management for Foundation and Pre-Masters degree programs in the school, a role I have held for over five years.

My education includes an MBA from the University of Sheffield and a PGCE and PhD in Business from Sheffield Hallam University. Since Covid, I have become increasingly interested in the role of technology in education, as it is the future of the field. I am currently exploring ways to integrate technology into education.

Volunteering is important to me because every child deserves access to the best possible education, regardless of their background. I am passionate about using my skills to impact the children in my community positively. As a governor at the Birley Academy, I work alongside other governors to ensure the delivery of high-quality education to all students.

Daneele Graham – Community Governor

I have over 10 years’ experience of working within the NHS covering the South Yorkshire region and currently work as an Involvement Coordinator supporting patients, parents, carers, and families across mental health services. I am privileged to be part of the Academy Governing Body at The Birley Academy and look forward to sharing my skills, knowledge, and experience to ensure all students have a psychologically safe environment to learn and grow. I am a very passionate about education and a firm believer that education is the key to your success and once you have it no one can take it away from you. As a parent, I believe that no one stands alone, and it is our duty to ensure that we as a community should work together with the school to support our children.

Governor Vacancies

The Birley Academy welcomes parents and members of the local community to apply to be a school governor. If you would like to know more about becoming a governor, please do get in touch with us.

Contact our chair of the Local Academy Governing Body

The chair of the Local Academy Governing Body is Mr David Petley.

Should you wish to contact the Chair of the Local Academy Governing Body (AGB) please contact the Trust’s head of governance, Mr Simon Hudson, via email [email protected] or by post, addressing any correspondence for the attention of Mr Simon Hudson at the Ropewalk L.E.A.D. Academy Trust, 5a The Ropewalk, Nottingham, NG1 5DU

Please note that any complaints regarding the academy must be raised in line with our complaints policy and procedure and cannot be raised directly with the local academy governing body or Trust governance team.

Find out more about becoming a governor at The Birley Academy

Why become a governor at The Birley Academy? 

Make a difference in your community, develop your professional skills and support children and young people by volunteering as a governor at The Birley Academy, Sheffield.

What do governors do? 

Our governors have delegated responsibility for a range of areas outlined in the scheme of delegation. These include, the quality of education and standards, safeguarding, special educational needs and/or disabilities and vulnerable pupils.

In short, The Birley Academy governors are the eyes and ears on the ground at academy level who support the Trust Board in adhering to their core governance functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils
  • The effective and efficient performance management of staff.

Why become an academy governor? 

There are many benefits to becoming a governor:

  • Develop your professional skills and experience in areas such as strategic planning, chairing, policy implementation, and teamwork, all of which are valued by employers and can assist your career development.
  • Build relationships and networks in your local area and;
  • Support children and young people in your community.

To find out more, Simon Hudson, via email [email protected] or by post by addressing any correspondence for the attention of Simon Hudson at the Ropewalk L.E.A.D. Academy Trust, 5a The Ropewalk, Nottingham, NG1 5DU

As well as looking at our governance page, you might also be interested in exploring governance in more detail by clicking on the links below.

School governance

National governance association

Statutory information for AGB Governance

AGB Attendance, Declaration of Interest and Term of Office

Name Governor Category How Appointed Date of appointment Term of Office AGB Attendance: 2023 – 2024
Vicky Hall Headteacher Ex-officio 2 Apr 24 N/A 1/1
Andrew Hulme Staff Governor (Teacher) Elected by staff 22 Nov 23 4 Years 3/3
Wesley Devoe Staff Governor (Support) Elected by staff 3 May 24 4 Years 1/1
Katie Wild Parent Governor Elected by Parents 29 May 24 4 Years 1/1
Ruth Wood Parent Governor Elected by Parents 29 May 24 4 Years 0/1
Dawn McAughey Community Governor Appointed by Trust 1 Feb 17 4 Years 2/3
David Petley Community Governor Appointed by Trust 5 Dec 23 4 Years 2/3
Uzoamaka Metu Community Governor Appointed by Trust 5 Dec 23 4 Years 3/3
Daneele Graham Community Governor Appointed by Trust 18 June 24 4 Years N/A
Rebecca Simpson nee Mazumder Community Governor Appointed by Trust 5 Dec 23 Resigned 31 Aug 24 N/A
Kay Smith Community Governor Appointed by Trust 1 Jul 20 Resigned 31 Aug 24 N/A
Emma Bramwell Parent Governor Elected by Parents 1 Feb 17 Resigned 18 Jun 24 N/A
Abigail Hancock Community Governor Appointed by Trust 30 Mar 23 Resigned 23 Jan 24 N/A
Rachel Hardy Staff Governor (Support) Elected by staff 17 Dec 19 Resigned 16 Dec 23 N/A
Susan Breeze Co-opted Governor Appointed by Trust 21 Mar 19 Resigned 18 Nov 23 N/A
James Beighton Community Governor Appointed by Trust 20 Nov 18 Resigned 17 Nov 23 N/A



The Chair of the AGB is David Petley

The Safeguarding Governor is Dawn McAughey.

Diversity Data

The DfE encourages maintained schools and academy trust boards to collect and publish diversity data about their boards and those of any local committees. Information should be widely accessible to members of the school community but schools and trusts must make sure that individuals cannot be identified through the publication of the data, particularly when board member levels are low. We are currently using GovernorHub to collate diversity data however Governors submit their data on a voluntary basis. At this moment in time, we are unable to publish an anonymised report but will continue to review this position.

Declarations of Interests

Scheme of delegation

Complaints Policy and Procedure